Monday, April 28, 2008

Updating the blog

So, I've had big plans for some major updatage of this blog for awhile now, but I keep holding off because I want to make "significant" updates to it. What that means, I don't really know, but it somehow involves more than just a picture or so. Anyway, ran into a couple SNAFU's today, but I wanted to just get the ball rolling for myself, so here's an old snap that got scanned from some film I found. Just a quick entry in the visual journal of heading out to drop off some photos with Sypher at a Vineyard. When we arrived, we were told that the man he needed to talk to was busy - out in a field chasing a run away horse. So the two of us ended up leaning on a fence watching the far-off scene. Good times in Fauquier County.

Oh, and for a bunch of you who were at Kan's open-mic last month; Raymond threw up some photos on his blog that should be checked out. His latest entry on his blog though is actually the photo story that Raymond was down in Texas working on. He's been working on it for over a year now, so the edit he has up is definitely worth checking out.

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